Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Sunday Everyone! Lesson Planning and Football ~~ What a Sunday!

Good Afternoon All, 

This has been a great weekend to sit back and relax not to mention the excitement with all the SEC football! WOW is an understatement. Well, it one of my favorite times of the year ~~ FALL... and I can't help but think of scarecrows in the fall. I had never really investigated the origin of scarecrows but wow what an interesting history. I know that your students will be thoroughly engaged in the following product:

Product Description:
This is an awesome informational text article on the history of scarecrows and all of the different versions of scarecrows throughout the world. The informational text article is approximately 1,000 words long and includes illustrations to help better explain the text. One illustration includes a caption that can be discussed as a text feature. At the conclusion of the article, there is a formative assessment in the form of a quiz.

The formative assessment contains a multiple choice question related to vocabulary and several open-ended questions asking for textual evidence in formulating the answers. Additionally, there is a performanced-based assessment question in asking the students to compare and contrast the different Native American tribes in their use of scarecrows and formulating that answer in the form of a Venn Diagram. There is a total of eight questions in relation to the quiz.

The article is sure to engage even the reluctant especially this particular time of the year!

Additionally, are there times when we pick our battles? Are battles harder to pick when your child has been diagnosed with ADHD? I have also uploaded a training powerpoint that can be used for multiple reasons to equip us all with some additional strategies for dealing with the challenges that sometimes children present to us! I hope you find this information helpful!

Product Description:
This product is training material in the form of a powerpoint presentation. This presentation will be great for a Parent University, a focused faculty session, a PTO open house session, or a professional learning community. As well, this material might be used with a parent group in terms of advice regarding parenting and disciplining children with ADHD. In this material, there are seven strategies to work with children where discipline is concerned particularly children diagnosed with ADHD. Finally, this is basically seven great pieces of advice for when a parent reaches the end of his/her rope with an unruly child who raises the volume on challenging behavior!

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