Thursday, October 9, 2014

Happy Thursday! Solving Math Word Problems!

Good Afternoon All,

I took the day off and strolled on out to Canton! WOW! I loved it but was ready to come home at 12:30 so I decided I should work on a few things. As we all know, children have trouble in solving math reading word problems... this has always been an issue and concern with most math teachers. Students all need keys words to reference to give them an idea of what operation they should pursue... in doing so, I have designed some mini-posters to help with this concern... I hope this helps all of you as you teach children math! Happy Thursday!

Product Description:

In this set of mini-posters, you will find four posters for each of the basic operations– addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. On each mini-poster, there are key words that serve as cues for the students when trying to persevere and solve math word problems and develop habits of mind for the Standards for Mathematical Practice. These posters are the perfect size for a bulletin board or placement right above the white board to reference to as one is teaching! The posters are designed to be eye-catching and definitely engage the students!

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