Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Wow! Time flies... and I have let time get away from me with my blog! Shoot! No post since August 17th... shame on me! School is going great! I love those kids! Tonight I have finished a set of mini-posters for a study of the different biomes. Use these vivid photos to pair with informational text to enhance discussion on plants, animals, seasons, how humans interact in each biome, and what impact people have had in different biomes. Your students are sure to love these mini-posters which will usually fit right above whiteboards and lend themselves to great discussions, investigations, and research! Take a look... Number the Stars unit in full progress and will be finished soon... also, a powerpoint to address the best discipline strategies for ADHD students! One you don't want to miss!

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