Wednesday, April 15, 2015

May is Right Around the Corner!

Good Evening,

It has been a while since I posted anything... wow, has it been a busy time of the year with all of the performance-based assessment with PARCC, and then we are fastly approaching the end-of-year assessment. School will be out for the summer before we know it! Tonight I have uploaded a quick resource that your students can use for writing poetry in the month of May or for utilizing as a resource for writing projects in May... check it out!

Product DescriptionMay is right around the corner! Use this resource in a multitude of ways! This is an awesome list of more than 100 May words to use as a springboard for writing in March. These words will aid in narrative, informative, and argumentative writing as well as poetry! These sheets can be given to each student to place in his/her Writer’s Notebook!

Students will hugely enjoy writing poetry during the month of May when so much state testing occurs. Students might write cinquains, diamontes, haikus, and other forms of poetry throughout the month. Additionally, utilize this May word bank to help jog your students’ brains for topics in writing! This May word bank may serve to keep their creative juices flowing. The uses of the word bank are limitless!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ten Things I Want You to Know About Me!

Good Evening,

I have created a great ice-breaker for the beginning of the year! Check this out!

Product Description: Start the school year off right with a creative, top-ten countdown activity! Your students will love it! Students are able to introduce themselves to you and their classmates with a list of ten things to learn about them. Have fun and use this as an ice-breaker activity to get the year cranked up!